PAN at the Gathering of the Guilds
For the first time, PAN will have print booths at The Gathering of the Guilds along with 7 other craft guilds. This is a huge event; more than 15,000 spectators and art collectors will be there with over 300 artists exhibiting. PAN will have framed pieces as well as print bins, so we will need you to bring in some fresh matted prints for this event. PAN also has the option to allow member artists to rent their own booth; we have extra 10 x 10 booth spaces reserved, and these will be $500 each for the weekend, (our cost) and will be sold on a first come first served basis. The deadline to reserve those is March 31st. Please contact our new secretary, Laura Cox to reserve: laurakcox@gmail.com
There will be a planning meeting for the event on April 1st at 7:00pm; please contact Laura if you would like to be included. We will need the help of as many volunteers as we can get at the show for our PAN gallery booth. We will also have a demonstration station showcasing printmaking techniques, joyfully fulfilling our mandate to educate. Please use the link below to sign up to help with set up, demos, sales, or breakdown.
April 25th-27th, 2025
Portland Convention Center, Portland, OR

Renew Your Artist Membership Now
Dues Increase:
At the Annual meeting in December we voted to raise the Artist Member dues to $100, due to a rent increase at our HQ at MAC. If you can afford it, please send us $100. Or $1000! You can apply for Artist Membership or support PAN’s work through a Collectors Club or Patron or Supporting Membership (without having to apply).
We accept new members at all levels year-round. https://printartsnw.org/join-pan/ You can pay online using this link, https://printartsnw.org/payonline/ or send us a check. If you prefer to pay by check, mail it to: Print Arts Northwest, 7688 SW Capitol Hwy, Portland OR, 97219. Members can also pay in an installment plan for 4 payments of $25 if necessary, or arrange a work / trade for membership.

Accepting New Prints
We have completed a review of our existing collection, rotating out older work and accepting new pieces. We have some exciting events coming up this spring, so bring us your ideas and connections, and some fresh prints!
Our board has grown, and we have taken on an ambitious list of fundraisers and events, including, for the first time, participation in Gathering of the Guilds next month. Please volunteer to help with this exciting new opportunity for PAN! Other events include studio visits throughout the Willamette Valley, and The Emerald Print Exchange, led by Whitprint. This Fall, we’ll be holding a Steamroller Fundraiser, so start carving a big block! A year-long Emerging Printmakers Residency program will commence in the Fall, meeting monthly with lectures and critiques.
We are writing grants to fund an improved website and hire help to launch it, so we are seeking supporters at all levels to pitch in financially, or help remotely to input data. Do you know a talented young person who is seeking an internship? Send them our way!

8th Emerald Print Exchange Open
Whiteaker Printmakers and Print Arts Northwest are delighted to announce the eigth annual Emerald Print Exchange. Join us in our mission to engage with printmakers around the world, to exhibit new works in Portland and Eugene, and to raise funds for our non-profit organization.
How It Works: Each participating artist sends us an edition of twelve hand-pulled original prints. We send each artist ten randomly selected prints by other participants. We retain two prints from every edition we receive, to be exhibited and sold for PAN and WhitPrint fundraising. We use some of the images online to promote the Emerald Print Exchange.
May 31: Registration closes. (Note that we'll close registration as soon as 200 artists sign up, which may be before this deadline.)

PAN’s Annual Meeting
PAN's annual meeting will be hosted this year at the Jordan Schnitzer Collection. Our speaker will be Chris Harmon, an artist, educator, and proud parent, living and working in Portland, OR. Our meeting will be from 10:30 to 11:30, at which time we will have a President's address, treasurer's report, updates, committee signups, and nomination and election to the board of directors. After the meeting Chris Harmon will make his presentation. We will then depart and head to Atelier Meridian across the river for a potluck lunch and print exchange from 12:15 to 1:00 pm.
Sunday, December 8th, 10am-1:00pm
The Jordan Schnitzer Collection: 3033 NW Yeon Ave, Portland, OR & Atelier Meridan: 820 N River St. Portland, OR

PAN Group Exhibition
Print Arts Northwest Member Show
"How The Light Gets In"
October/November 2024
Join us for an opening reception on Thursday, October 3rd from 5:00-8:00pm. Also open Wednesdays and Sundays from 10:00am-2:00pm in October and November.
Art Reach Gallery at First Congregational UCC, 1126 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR 97205

PAN Exhibit @ Grey Raven Gallery
Ink and Clay
Grey Raven Gallery is proud to present Ink and Clay, featuring printmakers and ceramicists of the Northwest. See the finely honed craft of over 20 local printmakers of Print Arts Northwest. Proceeds from sold prints will go towards supporting Print Arts Northwest as well as Golden Road Arts. They will also have a new selection of ceramic art on display that you do not want to miss.
Nov 1st-29th, 2024
Grey Raven Gallery, 12695 SW Crescent St. Suite 150, Beaverton, OR

Rebecca McCannell Presentation
At Print Arts Northwest's Group Exhibition @ ArtReach Gallery
Rebecca McCannell, art and printmaking instructor at Western Oregon University as well as PAN member, will be giving a short presentation about printmaking in conjunction with PAN's current show in the gallery. If you haven't seen this impressive show, this is your chance. It's also a great opportunity to meet with and listen to Rebecca's knowledgeable presentation.
Sunday, November 10th, 11:45am
ArtReach Gallery, 1st Congregational Church, 1216 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR

Moment of Decision Show
PAN Member Prints at red e café
Come to the opening of the new show of PAN member prints at red e café, 1006 N Killingsworth St. in Portland, where more than 30 prints will be on display. Enjoy cool refreshments and meet the artists.
July 14th-August 9th, 2024
Opening Sunday, July 14th, from 3:00-5:00pm
Portland, OR